A collection of energy-related fake news for ardent supporters of the Green Deal

Encouraged by the success of the episode of “political-energy fake news” for opponents of the energy transition (it turned out that the proposal for organic additives to meat and sausages even had a big resonance in X posts) – I present this time a set of false information for supporters of a rapid energy transition. After all… the virtual world is beginning to permeate the real world, and before long, it may be possible to create something untrue that becomes real or at least begins to live its own life. 

So, for those who are on YES: 

Free electricity bills on Bornholm – more than 100% renewable energy (mainly wind) on this Danish island has allowed local authorities to propose zero bills for residents from the beginning of 2025. Revenues from renewable energy exports and extensive battery storage facilities have made Borholm “Denmark’s money-making machine in the European energy market,” with the consequent elimination of even distribution fees. Borholm’s footsteps are about to be followed by other Danish islands like Faister, Mors and even Lolland (population 60,000), and, in addition, it is estimated that as early as 2030, some 60% of the Danish population will pay no electricity bills at all. 

Pocket nuclear reactors on the road to commercialization. There is a lot of talk about SMR-each, but the miniaturization of nuclear technology is moving very fast. The US-Canadian company “Nucleus Drive Systems Inc” has announced the launch of MSNR microreactors for powering vehicles and machinery next year. The patented technology of entirely safe and maintenance-free sodium microreactors, the trade name Nucleus MicroReactor, has been certified by the NRC and will be the basis of an experimental power supply for Ontario-Washington line trains for the time being. Passenger cars, however, are estimated to be the Market for electrics, but large trucks, locomotives, and ships could be powered universally by MSNR in the next decade. Currently, Nucleus Drive Systems Inc., led by charismatic inventor Dr. Emily Hawkins, employs more than 1,200 people and is going public. 

Research indicates that consumers prefer foods with additives from so-called “organic meat” as in the EU directive from 2028 – the new Fit 4 55 food chapter suggests that it is necessary to add organic components to processed meat in the form of vegan mixtures (grasses or tree bark) or insects or dried ringworms of the skink class (such as earthworms). The new food is not only healthier but also tastier; a recent survey indicated that 87% of consumers choose sausages with scorpion beetles, and for 11%, there is no difference (only 3% prefer classic sausages). It tasted the same to pets. 

Polish contribution to Fit 4 55—small windmill installations—We know that soon (in 2029), public institution buildings’ roofs will be obligatorily equipped with photovoltaic installations. The European Commission, encouraged by the Polish program “My Current,” extends the obligation to install small wind turbines (up to 30 kW), which gives Polish companies an excellent opportunity to develop this technology rapidly.

They are balancing Market with 30-second intervals. The successful reform of the Balancing Market and the high volatility of prices have prompted the PSE Operator to introduce the next phase of the reform. As early as next year (June 14), the RB will be settled in 30-second intervals, significantly improving its efficiency and bringing better energy pricing. Even temporary hostile prices of more than minus 5,000 PLN/MWh for at least 50% of the day will be possible. 

French right in favour of Green Deal, but with a preference for French reactors – recent statements by right-wing leader Marie Le Pen leave no doubt. She has advocated the continuation and even tightening of the Green Deal course, proposing that France become completely carbon-free as early as 2039. Note, however, the strident call for prohibitive tariffs on Chinese panels and windmills and mandatory preferences for French nuclear technologies in EU countries. It seems that future state aid notification for reactor construction is only possible for the French EPR, which could cause trouble for the Polish nuclear program.

Turów power plant, Europe’s largest pumped storage power plant – The final agreement between the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Economy and Labor paves the way for converting the Turów power plant into Europe’s most prominent (4,500 MW) pumped storage unit. Thanks to its convenient location and investments from the modified NIP, with the final phasing out of coal combustion (2030) just a year later, the power plant will take over as a critical component of the energy system of Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany. 

Kyiv-Lisbon energy transmission highway – the EU Commission has finally approved a plan for a significant investment in an 1100 kV transmission line across Europe (11 countries). Ultimately, the planned connection from Kyiv to Lisbon, at the cost of 280 billion euros, will become the backbone of interchange in our part of Europe. The line is expected to operate in 2028 (Iberian section), in 2032 to Poland and in 2035, to Kyiv (political conditions permitting).

Green hydrogen is already cheaper than grey and blue – preliminary results from operating a demonstration electrolysis and pure hydrogen production system in Neustadt, Germany, show very good economic results. The 50 MW plant produces hydrogen for $0.5/kg, much cheaper than the typical extraction of grey hydrogen from CH4. The key to the success of the QuantumCell Electrolyzer turned out to be new materials – nanostructured zinc carbide (ZnC₂) electrodes doped with platinum (Pt) – which, due to a dramatic increase in active surface area, increases the efficiency of the process, which ultimately contributed to cost reduction. The hydrogen revolution seems to be getting closer. 

Canadian SMR reactor as early as 2027, new ones in the pipeline—the Canadian SMR project shows a significant advance in the construction schedule. The first start-up is planned, and energy will be put on the grid as early as June 2027. In addition, 21 other sites have already been selected for the construction of new plants, including Sharpmeadow, Vlock Wave Point, Monow Ponds, Steel Will, Miner’s Oak, and several others. 

Now another Ultra Clean Transport Zone – Warsaw is following in London’s footsteps – having introduced a Clean Transport Zone, Warsaw is going further. As in London (from that place 2019), the so-called ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone – even greener in Warsaw) is being introduced – 

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